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CACHE brings to life the art, culture and history of California’s heartland.

CACH-Exeter Logo

CACHE brings to life the art, culture and history of California’s heartland.

President’s Message: This week – Art and History in Exeter

Yesterday was a great reception for Miguel and Austin. We had 105 happy people attend! The reception was a tribute to the two artists, their supporters and the PR effort. James Spate, an excellent musician and friend of Austin’s, set up and played guitar to the delight of all the guests. The spirits were high and there was a wonderful vibe throughout the afternoon. Even though it was too noisy to utilize them, we had some nice feedback about the QR codes and artist audio files. Miguel didn’t have time to complete all his files but hopes to add them soon. 

Many thank yous to go out: 

    • Joanie for all the work to set it up, the PR and special name tags for the artists. 

    • Thanks to Donna for helping Joanie and Johnny hang all the art a couple weeks ago. 

    • Thanks to April, our website star, for creating the QR codes and connecting them to our website.

    • Kristy and the Hometown Emporium team did another terrific job with the food prep. (We ran out of everything!)

    • Laurie and Patty prepped the place the day before with their usual style so we looked inviting and professional.


          • Laurie’s set up of the coffee, hot water, water, tea, wine, etc.

      • Peg Collins, Barbara Sally and Debbie Sherer spread good cheer on everyone who walked in the door as our greeters, got sign-ins and email addresses from all. 

      • Laurie, Peg and my Barb got the whole place cleaned up at the end of the day.

      • Monica and Raylene for spreading pixie dust everywhere 

      • And anyone I missed… 🙂

    A LOT of work goes into putting on an event and it takes many volunteers to make an event go smoothly. You are ALL appreciated! To make things even better, we sold a few paintings. Yay! Thanks Laurie and Joanie for making those transactions efficient and a positive experience for the buyers.

    This will be a big week for me: Tomorrow afternoon will be our regular board meeting at 430 pm. As usual, we’ve a lot to cover. 

    Wednesday morning the Exec Committee has a meeting with the City admin team regarding the building. We will be discussing the roof leaks among other things. 

    Thursday morning I’ll be representing you at the Lion’s Club sharing the story of the Gallery/Museum’s history, present and future. 

    Museum display work picks up this month along with more Oral history of Exeter interviews. A LOT going on in our world!