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CACHE brings to life the art, culture and history of California’s heartland.

CACH-Exeter Logo

CACHE brings to life the art, culture and history of California’s heartland.

Resolution to Champion the Arts in Tulare County

WHEREAS, the Center for Art, Culture & History, Exeter envisions a Tulare County where every student in pre-kindergarten through grade twelve has equitable access to high-quality arts learning as part of a well-rounded education, as specified in California Education Code Sections 51210 and 51220.

WHEREAS, the Center for Art, Culture & History, Exeter acknowledges that arts learning – which includes dance; media arts, music, theatre, visual arts, and literary arts – is an essential part of a comprehensive education, providing the necessary skills for student success in the classroom, campus, and community.

WHEREAS, the Center for Art, Culture & History, Exeter recognizes the lasting effects of a high-quality arts education reach well beyond the school walls into all aspects of civic life. Every community sector is touched by the arts.

The arts and creativity are integral to improving health, wellness, inclusion, and acceptance. Artistic expression honors and celebrates culture, diversity, history, and traditions. The arts are a gateway to community pride and environmental awareness. Through the arts disciplines, students can understand the world and their unique place within it.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Center for Art, Culture & History, Exeter recognizes the powerful impact that an arts education has on the academic, social, and emotional well-being of students and its role as an essential component of a comprehensive and well-rounded education. The Center for Art, Culture & History, Exeter also recognizes the impact of the arts on all aspects of community and civic life. Therefore, the Center for Art, Culture & History, Exeter adopts this resolution and commits to taking actions to promote and support the arts in Tulare County.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Center for Art, Culture & History, Exeter will demonstrate its ongoing organizational commitment to the arts by becoming a partner member of CreateTC – Tulare County’s Arts Coalition. CreateTC serves to promote equitable access to the arts for the students, families, and communities of Tulare County.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Center for Art, Culture & History, Exeter will collaborate with other Create TC partners to develop high-quality arts experiences and opportunities for the students, families, and communities of Tulare County.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Center for Art, Culture & History, Exeter will publicly share their commitment to the arts by posting the CreateTC logo on the organization’s website and all promotional materials for collaborative events and programming.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Center for Art, Culture & History, Exeter will become a champion for the arts in Tulare County.
Adopted by the Center for Art, Culture & History, Exeter

Date: 12/20/2022
Board President Signature: Dwight M. Miller