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CACHE brings to life the art, culture and history of California’s heartland.

CACH-Exeter Logo

CACHE brings to life the art, culture and history of California’s heartland.

November President’s Message

he Association’s new Board has become a great team and we’re eager to begin a new era in the life of the Exeter Art Gallery and Museum Association. There has been a whirlwind of activity since our installation in July. On August 10th, a wonderful group of thirty-seven Exeter supportive locals gathered to participate in a brain storming exercise about the gallery, museum, and possible future events. We came away grateful for the terrific ideas that will lay the foundation for activity as we move forward.
A major announcement for this month is the hiring of a new part-time employee to assist with many of the duties at the gallery/museum. Long-time local resident, Donna Alfaro, began her role in mid-September and will be working afternoons four days per week.
A priority for the Board will be the recruiting and training of a new cadre of docents to assist on weekends at the gallery/museum. We held a special dinner for docents on Monday evening, October 24, 2022 at the gallery, and a wonderful new group was formed. The Board is making a special effort to include high school students along with adult volunteers. The plan is to pair students with adults for two-hour weekend shifts each. New staff member, Donna, will be the one coordinating the schedule for this group of volunteers whose support is critical to the life of the Gallery/Museum. Please contact her at the Gallery if you are interested in serving.
Developing “core documents” will be a focus of the Board in the coming months. We believe it’s critical for our non-profit to clarify our mission/ vision statements, our collections policies, code of ethics, and more. We expect to emerge from this effort with a new brand and logo for the organization.
We are excited and grateful to announce that the Board has begun a new relationship with Erica Pine, local Certified Public Accountant, to assist Board Treasurer Laurie Hamilton in managing the finances. Finally, the Board is working on re-opening the Museum. With the transition in the Board, we are starting with a “blank slate” in the Museum. The 25% 48′ room will be used to tell the stories of the people and events that have made the Exeter Community what it’s been since the Southern Pacific Railroad first staked out a train station in July 1888. The first exhibit will feature “Exeters Around the World,” paying homage to towns named Exeter. One highlight will be the first “Exeter,” established in England during Roman times.