Please note the change in the name of our organization and our new mission statement. The Board voted recently, after considerable discussion, to change the official name in order to emphasize a new direction. Our 501c.3 nonprofit organization is no longer the Exeter Art Gallery and Museum Association but will now be called the Center for Art, Culture & History, Exeter (CACHE). It will take a while to make the transition complete but official documents, the website, Facebook pages and signage will be replaced throughout the year. The new board is excited to stand on the solid foundation created by those Board members who went before us in this wonderful organization and move it forward with enthusiasm.
This month, we are excited to show off two artists who have stories to tell with and about their art. For the first time, the gallery will feature a special addition to enhance the viewing pleasure of our visitors. Both Miguel Pujol and Austin McKenzie have taken the time to tell the story of each piece of art showing in the gallery these next two months. Next to each piece will be a QR code that will take the viewer to our website where an audio file of the artist discussing the thoughts behind the work can be accessed. Please be sure to bring both your smart phone and some ear “buds” to listen privately to those descriptions. Docents will be able to assist you in accessing this new feature.
As noted in his biography, Miguel Pujol is from Argentina. The recent triumph by the Argentina national soccer team at the World Cup 2022 in Qatar made he, his countrymen and millions around the world ecstatic with the triumph. We celebrate with him.